The Ministry of Manpower (MoM) has taken measures to strengthen the quality of the Employment Pass (EP) holders and their complementarity to the domestic workforce. With this view, there are new revisions introduced to EP.


This initiative is of two folds, and the below captures a summary of the proposed amendments.


  1. Minimum Qualifying Salary

As part of the initiative, MoM has raised the minimum qualifying salary in connection with the renewal of EP applications to be as follows with effect from 1st September 2023. The below mentioned Qualifying Salaries are already in effect with regard to new EP applications since 1st September 2022.




Minimum Qualifying Salary


All except financial services

Minimum qualifying salary will be increased from S$ 4,500 – S$ 5,000

(Increased up to S$ 10,500 for candidates in Mid 40s)


Financial services

Minimum qualifying salary will be increased from S$ 5,000 – S$ 5,500

(Increased up to S$ 11,500 for candidates in Mid 40s)


  1. Complementary Assessment Network (COMPASS)

COMPASS will be applicable for new EP applications with effect from 1st September 2023 and for any renewal of EP applications with effect from 1st September 2024.


Applicants are required to score 40 points to be eligible under COMPASS, and it is gauged on a holistic approach considering individual and firm-based attributes.


In the event, if an EP applicant fails to qualify under the foundational criteria, still the applicant can proceed to score under the bonus criteria to obtain the said 40 points.




Foundational criteria




Fixed monthly salary compared to PMTE*



≥ 90th percentile               

20 points

65th to < 90th percentile  

10 points

< 65th percentile              

0 points

Further to the Qualifying Salary mentioned above, there are sectoral differences applicable to the qualifying salaries morefully mentioned on the MOM website.




Top tier institution

20 points

Degree equivalent qualifications

10 points

No Degree equivalent qualifications

0 points

Qualifications declared to MOM in a new EP application will have to be supported with verification proof with effect from 1st September 2023. For this purpose, there are background screening companies listed on the MOM website. 




Share of candidates nationality among PMET*


< 5%


20 points

5 to < 25%


10 points

≥ 25%


0 points


COMPASS awards more points to applications where the candidate’s nationality forms a small share of the firm’s PMET employees as per the mentioned criteria.  


Support for local firms

Firms share of locals PMET within each sector


≥ 50th percentile


20 points

20th to < 50th percentile


10 points

< 20th percentile


0 points

Applicant can earn points based on the share of local PMET within each sector. However, regardless whether a firm stands within a designated sector, if the firm’s local PMTE employer is 70% (pegged to the 20% of the firm’s economy worldwide), the application will earn 10 points.


Bonus Criteria




 Bonus criteria



Skill Bonus – Shortage Occupation List


The Shortage Occupation List recognizes applicants that possess highly specialized skills with strategic importance that are currently in shortage in the local workforce.

However, an applicant’s bonus points will be reduced from +20 to +10 if their nationality forms one-third or higher of the firm’s PMETs


The Short Occupation List published by MOM for the year 2023 is available on annex-b—shortage-occupation-list.pdf (


Strategic Economic Priorities Bonus


Firms that participate in ambitious investments, innovation and internationalization activities in partnership with economic agencies or firms endorsed by National Trade Union Congress qualify under this scheme.


Please do not hesitate to revert to us should you require further clarifications in this regard


Source – MOM website – (

*- PMTS – Professionals, Mangers, Executives and Technicians